Klobúk je osobnosť. Spomienka na staré dobré i zlé časy, alebo na budúcnosť. Sloboda odtieňov, farieb, expresívnych pocitov, evokujúcich rôzne zážitky, dojmy, veselú hravosť.
Všetky klobúky sú otvorené pre každú hlavu. Nič nevlastnia, sú slobodné, tvoria zvláštny, groteskný svet.
Majú za sebou slávnu históriu so šiltom plným dotykov. Pohľad cez nich iste zmení svet.
Svoj klobúk odhadzujem k vám.
To me, a hat is an extension of one’s personality. It represents a collection of memories, both good and bad, from the past and present, as well as aspirations for the future. On one hand, it signifies the freedom to express oneself through a variety of shades, colors, and expressive emotions, resulting in a diverse range of experiences that evoke a sense of vivacious playfulness.
A hat can embody various personas, such as an aristocrat, a vessel overflowing with the fruits of a leisurely stroll through an orchard, a whimsical artist, or a grotesque caricature. It can conjure images of a woman astride a horse, exuding a unique charm and vitality, or a wandering soul peering through its holes. It can also represent a gallant man with a perpetual touch of elegance, a revolutionary or a mysterious magician with mystical themes that hint at the profound significance of time’s passage. A hat can even transform one into a dandy with a felt moustache or a sharp-eyed gunman.
Despite their diverse forms and associations, all hats remain open to interpretation and ownership by any individual. They embody freedom, both for themselves and for those who wear them. They create unique and often grotesque worlds, each with a rich history filled with countless stories waiting to be uncovered. Gazing through a hat, one cannot help but feel the transformative power it holds over one’s perception of the world.
In conclusion, a hat is more than just a mere accessory; it is a symbol of self-expression, creativity, and the boundless possibilities of human imagination. It is a conduit to the past, present, and future, inviting us to explore the depths of our own personalities and the world around us. Go ahead and embrace the power of the hat.
61 x 47 x 47 cm
Materiál a technika
šamotová kamenina, 1250 °C